Sunday, October 22, 2006

Importing time

The next few posts will be imports of my movie lists from the last few years. When I first got into doing them seriously (2 years ago) I decided to go back to 2000 and compile lists for those years (since that was around the time I started actively seeking out high-quality films... wow I was only 14 at the time!). I did all of these archival selections over the course of a weekend so they are blurbless. I wanted to get them out in the blogosphere before I started on the first full list.

So, I thought I'd import them here since they are something I am certainly very passionate about. I'm not sure how to import the longer ones because they were posted individually and as a whole would be very, very long. But to post each one again would be rather encumbersome, though that is likely what I will do. Anyways less chatting and more importing!

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