Friday, December 08, 2006

Marijuana is Fun

Did I scare you with my title? :) Don't worry I haven't, and never will, become any sort of crackhead.

I've just started watching the critically acclaimed Showcase series Weeds. In fact, I'm all the way through season 1 and will be starting season 2 shortly, seeing as I have little to do today with all the snow.

And let me tell you, it's pretty great! If you don't mind the premise (suburban housewife is widowed, turns to selling weed to support her family and standard of living), there are a lot of things to appreciate about this show.

1) The acting is pretty phenomenal. Mary Louise Parker at her best. After seeing the results of some bad parenting, she breaks down in front of her source; a great scene.
2) Tight dialogue. Couple of examples:

Nancy Botwin: You listen, you stay away from my customer base, you don't deal to kids.
Josh Wilson: They're too young to bleed, they're too young for weed, no grass on the field no grass will they yield.
Nancy Botwin: You're a poet.
Josh Wilson: You know it.

Heylia James: Serious shit calls for serious cash and your cash got a sense of humor.

3) It's kind of vulgar, like what you would expect from Showcase or HBO. But it does a pretty good job of walking the line between funny/interesting and just plain gross. Kind of like Six Feet Under, but less depressing.

4) Perhaps what I love most about it is the business aspect. Ivey has trained me to think this way, and really it's just a profit venture, regardless of what is being sold. Nancy (MLP) figures this out too and expands geographically, implements somse product diversity, experiments with target markets, wrestles with the competition, and gets political with the DEA.

Anywho, that's my little synopsis of a pretty good show. A solid 8.4 out of 10, methinks. I'm excited to see what the second season brings, because it reportedly "turns it up a notch."


Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

(Gets heart started again.)

Yeah, real funny title! Grrr.

Like the new format.. a change is as good as a rest, I always say!

Have you noticed that, in every picture you post that includes your face, it (your face) always looks exactly the same, right down to the flash of light reflecting off your forehead? I have. It reminds me of the Frank Miller/Bill Sienkiewicz Elektra miniseries from the 80s, in which Sieny pasted the exact same piece of artwork of the political figure's face, whenever he appeared. So it didn't matter if his body was pointed the other direction, or turned to the side, you always got exactly the same picture of the guy's face! Totally freaky... like with your photos!!!

Jimmy said...

I like the new format too!

What would it take to bump it up to an 8.5/10 or drop it to an 8.3?

Seems like you really wanted to give it a grade out of 100... ;)