Monday, January 01, 2007

What I plan to do with the rest of my time off

1) Sleep
2) Tan (not to be too vacuous, it's just that I'm awfully pale and I don't want to spend my entire spring break and then the summer nurturing sun burns.)
3) Go to the gym
4) Accounting course #1
5) Accounting course #2
6) Watch movies
7) Play Caesar IV
8) Annoy my grandparents and parents a bit more


Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

How about going out and helping people? You could volunteer somewhere for a day, or just hang out at a mall and open the door for folks as they come and go?

I know, I know. Crazy talk.

cjguerra said...

I'd say "part 8 == success!" As for tan, I'm very white and I don't find it a problem. My wife makes me look positively tanned (all kinds of northern-European blood - stranded Vikings and all that) so I don't worry about it. Plus those tanning lamps have totally the wrong UV wavelengths, so you can get the wrong kind of irradiation in a shorter period than just getting a sun burn.