Friday, October 06, 2006

Veronica Mars 3:1 Review (spoilers)

This episode can best be described as "Veronica Mars: LITE". It was intended this way to give new viewers an easy entrance to the show, but I sure hope it doesn't keep this up. The dialogue was snappy, the new characters both quite likeable in their own ways, and there were a few great moments for the die-hard Veronica fans towards the end, including a semi-major character death. But this whole Keith sideplot was rather confusing, even on multiple views, and the mystery of the week was just that - seemed very Season 1 ish which is too bad considering how far the show propelled itself into the land of the uber complex last year.

I'm not sure if I'll enjoy the mini-mysteries formatting... I really like having one huge mystery that leads up the finale. But actually, this might be more rewarding. We'll have to see.

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