Monday, January 29, 2007

Books I read in 2006

I kept a list. It's not very long, I blame school and work for that. If you consider the thousands of pages of textbooks I read, I did pretty good! It's in order, but this year I'm keeping even more details including start and end dates and pages read. I have a similar list of movies I saw, but I won't be releasing that of course. Maybe next year.

- The Yearling, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
- Angels and Demons, Dan Brown
- Of Love and Other Demons, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- A Murder is Announced, Agatha Christie
- Partners in Crime, Agatha Christie
- A Holiday for Murder, Agatha Christie
- Watchmen, Alan Moore
- The Mysterious Mr. Quin, Agatha Christie
- Freakonomics, Levitt & Dubner
- Battle Royale, Koushun Takami
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol. 2, Alan Moore
- Shopaholic and Sister, Sophie Kinsella
- The Shadow Of the Wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafon
- Curtain, Agatha Christie
- The Physics of Superheroes, James Kakalios

The best, by far, was Battle Royale. Lord of the Flies mixed with And Then There Were None --- amped up by a factor of 100. The premiere pulp horror novel of this generation, in my opinion.

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