Friday, January 05, 2007

Reviews in 5 words or less

I think it's pretty funny that this post will get far fewer comments than my previous "note to self" entry. It's also ironic that it instructed people to "please ignore" and received more comments than any other in over a month!! Oh you people. You know, continuing on my ramble, I used to be able to consider a post with only 4 comments a complete failure in blogging. Oh the good old days of 20+ comments... which I abandoned for you people. You people!!! (Just kidding, I love and appreciate all of your readership). Anywho:

An Unfinished Life: simple, graceful
Happy Feet: cute... I guess...
Ice Age 2: decent plot, some funny parts

And Manhattan Murder Mystery hasn't arrived in the mail yet, so I'll save it for another day.


Anonymous said...

Four comments? Luxury! We blogged for three months on a Commodore VIC-20 runnin' on a potato battery. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, change the potato, write three posts, go to work down t' teevee factory, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for twenty-seven cents a week, and when we got home the commenters would ignore us 'til we blogged ourselves to sleep.

Tammy said...
